28 December 2006

Months gone by

Wow, hard to believe that it has been so long since I've been here, but it has been a busy few months since I last left my thoughts on this portion of cyber space.

Late September, my sister and I had a hard decision to make. Grandma moved in to a local nursing home/care facility.

October's spare time was spent cleaning out Grandma's apartment and getting all the paperwork and things shuffled for the payment of the home. Paper work didn't stop due to the months end, there's still the on going necessity, but it's slowed some, which is good.

October also brought my brother and my nephew from California for a visit. Oh, it was so awesome to finally meet my nephew, Anthony II. It was so very wonderful. I just fell in love with him all over again. You know that sense when you know you have a nephew, although you never met him, you love him, meeting him, just solidified it so much. Anthony II is sooooooo much like his dad was when we were growing up... creative, curious, entertaining... although to ask me when his dad and I were young, I'd have just said he was a pain in the butt brother. That's my handsome nephew, Anthony Lee II pictured here.

Thanksgiving was a hard walk, first one with out Mom. My sissy and I had brunch at the local 'Villiage Inn' and then I met up with a great friend. Her and I watched movies and just chilled with a pizza. I held "it" together until my brother and his family called. Ended up crying on Thanksgiving after all.

Early December brought my "63rd"... I mean my 36th birthday. Again, another first without Mom. It was tough. Grandma, my sister and I went out for dinner at 'Culvers'. Love Grandma dearly, however, not sure she's going out with us again for a while. Not everyone at 'Culvers' is "stupid". Middle of December brought my nephew's 10th birthday, sorry Anthony II, it came just a couple days late. It walso brought Grandma's 85th birthday. My sister and I brought cake and ice cream in and ate with her. It went well and good.

Christmas hasn't been the best of times. No decorations this year, I'm holding a boycott. Another first without Mom. I'm tired of these "firsts without Mom." I miss her so badly. I am glad that the major holidays are over. Now it's just biding time until her birtday on March 17th and Mother's day in May.

I love you, Mom, I miss you and hate that life has to go on without your presence and your tangible touch and love.

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