28 February 2007

I'm a Mommy!!!!

Meet Hamlet.

I adopted him yesterday, Tuesday February 27th from the local Humane Society. We aren't yet fully aquainted, but I have learned lots of things already about my Hamlet.

He is great at hiding!!! He found a spot under my kitchen cabinets where the toe boards are missing. Thank God for his long white whiskers that luminated in the light of a flashlight!!!! After extracting him from there before his visit to the vet, he found the spot to the left only he couldn't be seen. This picture was taken after I had removed some items I had stored there.

He is a snuggler!! Just what I was hoping for. After the "nurse" (vet tech) got the initial information from me, then left, and before the vet came in, he was snuggling up to me and into me. He had forgiven me for various hiding place extraction techniques.

He is vary curious!! Of course!! New home! New owner! New everything! Lots of exploration!!!!!!

He likes to play!!

He has the cutest face!!! The area where his whisker come out is very prominant!!

He likes his mommy!!!!
Or at least to sleep in my spot on the couch!!

I just can't hardly believe how much I love this cat when I've only had him but a mere 30-something hours. I think it started in the Humane Society shelter last Friday, he picked me and I became his. He's not mine, I am his and I am thankful that I am.

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