01 January 2006

Happy 2006!!!

Another year has come and gone. 2005 seems like it only started a couple of days ago. I find that as I get older the time goes by so much more quickly.

Looking back, 2005 was quite the year.

There are big memories and little memories and the normal drudges of life. I'd have to say the best and the hardest are pretty intertwined. The best of 2005 was in late February, when I took my first international flight and met face to face the man I love (you can see part of his handsome face next to me in the little pic to the right). The trip was fast and wonderful. The hardest part of 2005 has been the months following my trip to my love, being the thousands of miles apart in every way but in my heart.

I am thankful for all things in 2005, the joys and the trials. Both help to make life real and life worth so much.

I look forward to 2006. My hearts prayer is to be united with my love. My hope is that 2006 will be exactly as it should be and only God knows that. For I know in my heart that joy or sorrow, sickness or health, pain or comfort, I am truly blessed. I have love in my heart and that love, God's love, can see me through anything.

I pray that 2006 treats all my family and my friends wonderfully, with more joy than sorrow, more love than hate and more health than sickness.

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