Hard to believe it's been over a year since I have made my way here to post thoughts, for perhaps no one, but me. Time has passed fairly uneventfully.
My cat, Hamlet, is still fat and sassy! Well, not just sassy, plain goofy! I still think he's the best thing that I've chosen to do, my adopting him. He's very much a 'cog', cat who thinks they are a dog. I don't take nearly as many pictures of him as I used to, but here he is being my "box kitty". In case you forgot. Oh, but who could forget that sweet face?!
I've been thinking on Mom lately. I miss her some days more than others, but I miss her every day. Thankfully, the grief isn't as harsh, nor as deep. Even so, I miss her. My Great-Aunt (Auntie) Mae once said about her mother, that she missed her every day. Auntie Mae said this 30+ years after her mom had died, so at least I know that it's normal to miss your mom at nearly 38 years old.
Another reason Mom's so in my head is that a few weeks ago she got some interesting mail at my house. She was summoned for jury duty starting November 4th, exactly 2.5 years to the day she went to her Heavenly home. All I could really do was laugh, couldn't they just cross the hall or go up a flight of stairs in the clerk of courts office to the records department and find out she was deceased. Nope.