07 March 2007


My cat is so funny! Before I got him, he had, had a broken leg. He still favors it at times. He hops on 3 legs or limps on the one that had been broken. Then there are times when I see him hopping on 3 legs in front of me, but when I am out of eye shot, he starts walking normal! Or how about those times when he is doing his laps around the house and on the walls!!!! Goofy cat.

And a few words from my curious Hamlet...


...as he inspects my desk and stands on the keyboard. Actually he said more than that, but "mommy' decided to edit otherwise this page would be very wide due to his words. Just imagine a lot more fours, pluses and sevens. Hamlet seemed to like those the best.

Please bare with me, I'm a new 'mommy', so I have lots of pictures to share!!! He's been such a joy to have. I believe it when they say pets are good for a persons well being and health!!! He's done a lot for me already and it's only been 8 days since I've been his.

the 3 pics above he is laying and or sleeping on mommy's lap

01 March 2007

More Snow??!!!!!

Well, after not even a week from the last snow and ice storm, we are being hit again with even more snow!!!! As of the 6 PM news my hometown had gotten 12 inches that's approximately 30.5 cm of cold white stuff ...and it's still coming down!!! We are in the 12-16 inch 'zone' for amount of snow fall before this system moves on and stops.

I am thankful that it's not as much as the east coast. Still, it is more than we've had for quite a while. At least there is the old saying about the month of March... in like a lion, out like a lamb! Woo hoo!!!

The pictures below are from the last weather system we got, 24 Feb 07. I'll post more pictures later after I get out tomorrow in day light to take some. Just think 12-16 inches more on top of what's shown, what a joy to live in Iowa!!!

A view from the front deck.

A view of the back door and steps.

A neighbors backyard.

Snow is beautiful... but one can tire of easily and very quickly.