30 November 2005

so many, so little and not enough

Christmas is fast approaching....

It is so easy to get caught up in Christmas as most people see it... Christmas trees, presents, food, family, parties... too much of them all! Each year it seems harder and harder to keep the right focus, Christ is the reason for Christmas. God's love for all mankind. There are those who don't believe that December 25th is the actual birth date of Jesus. To me it matters not all that much, it has become the traditional date for the celebration. That's the point, that's what matters, the celebration of the best gift that could have ever been given.... Jesus into this world. Happy Birthday Jesus!

I find myself getting caught up in the making of my presents. I love to make my gifts and each year most of my family get something hand made. It always seems that there are so many projects, so little time and not enough hands to get them done, but some how I manage to get them all done... even if it means wrapping an empty box and finishing up the project in front of the recipent. :) That's so much fun.

This year as I shopped the "traditional" first big shopping day of the season. I was looking for wrapping paper. I always try to find something with a bit of a Christian focus, such as the nativity. The two stores I looked in, neither one had any, not one roll that wasn't santa or snowmen or some cutsie holiday (note, not Christmas) theme, not even the one store that was founded on Christian principles, my favorite hobby and craft store. I was disappointed, but I will not give up, it is early yet.

It is my deepest hope that this year, although fingers and hands may be flying to comnplete all the crochting, knitting and stitching, I hope that I remember the right focus of Christmas.

29 November 2005

winter wonderland?

What a way to start the day, beautiful snow every where... not much, just enough to make all things white. The not so pretty part of starting morning, all dressed ready for work and just need to start and warm up the car... ahhhh... but alas the car doors will not unlock and neither will they open, once I finally managed to get them unlocked. Frozen shut. Have you ever done a side body slam to a car before? Believe me, the car wins. Have you ever used a hammer on a car before? Well, a hammer blunted with a towel to use as what would be a "rubber mallot". 40 minutes later and I finally was able to get one door open.

Gotta love winter. :oP Wait, technically winter's not starting for 22 more days. I like the white stuff more than I dislike it, I just am not fond of moments like this a.m.

On another note, I got a letter back today, returned to me and I'm not sure why. Address is right to my knowledge, postage, more than enough... so why return a month later to me. Seems like postal systems all over the world are the same: they don't make much sense. Perhaps one day in my dreams I'll figure this out.... or else it'll just get chalked up to one the great unsolved mysteries of the universe.

28 November 2005

I feel like writing, although I am not sure what.

It was a "typical" day at work: phones ringing like crazy, people missing due to post-holiday vacation days, and work above the eyebrows!

Why is it that words can do so much?

Words can hurt, they can frustrate, they can bring joy and sorrow. Words can make you smile or bring tears to your eyes. They can become a pressure valve that allows steam to blow. Words can express love, desire and passion. Words can express hate, anger, fear, sadness. And for all that words can do and express, the lack of words can do even more so. Silence can be deafening, whether in lack of written or lack of spoken. Words can mean things unintended by the writer, for each person brings to the reading a reflection of them. The reader's emotions, knowledge and personal experiences can color their meaning. Words are necessary.

The distance too far and the words too few

27 November 2005


It amazes me how a little stop at the healthmart section of the local grocery store can turn into one of those moments that you know was set up by God. Her name is Artha, "like Martha, without the M" she told me. I bet we stood in the heathmart section for half an hour just talking, talking about what we are learning of organic and health food, of what we still need to learn and of what God has done. A kindred spirit in God. Ms. Artha touched my heart and blessed me and I thank God for His hand in the middle of it all. It was hard to part ways. We said if do not meet again now, we will again... "when we've been there 10,000 years..."

A most perfect way to start this Advent season.

The candle of hope was light today. A reminder of God's hope for the world: Jesus. A reminder to hope.

26 November 2005

A weak moment

I'm having a weak moment and so I thought I'd create a blog. Now why one adds up to the other is beyond me, my mind is weird that way.